4 days after majlis, we fly off to Singapore.. Plan asal nak ke Bali terpaksa dipinda gara2 time aku nak book flight tiket tu tgh gempa di Padang (takut punyer pasal)..Tapi tak pelah..since aku dh pernah ke Bali..sian my hubby..next time le kita g ek..So plan B is Singapore since nak tmpt yg dekat and 2 in 1..apa 2 in 1? my hubby kan collector rayban..so dia nak g tempat yg boleh jln2 honeymoon sambil cari rayban untuk tambah koleksi..so since last short trip to Singapore on June (during his beday), we did not travel elsewhere, so we decided to visit again for shopping..last time g tak sempat shopping sbb only have 1 full day kat sana..so this time we take 1st flight early morning to kota singa..arrive singapore terus proceed ke Batam by ferry..sbb dgr kat Batam ada byk kedai yg still keep Rayban BL..so we decide to stay 2 nights in Batam..Samabil cari Rayban, sambil jln2..We really had fun in Batam..My friend in Batam sponsor our day tour & superb seafood lunch (byk giler smp tak abis)..the rest we just jln2 around the town and shopping..The best thing is our hotel is just behind the Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall..So we save a lot on transportation.. Our room at the hotel also superb..we got room with balcony (only a few rooms at this hotel got balcony) and it is same floor with SPA and swimming pool..Since i already inform them that we are on honeymoon trip, they surprise me with room deco, cake, chocolate, flower bouquet and dinner in room..Me and hubby really enjoy it..Balik dr Batam, we go shopping in Singapore..Thanks to my hubby..he bought me clothes, Teva idaman hatiku, crocs etc..Thanks ye..dulu shopping bayar sendiri, skrg dh ada org bayarkan..bukankah best berkahwin..hahahah...
**Our room
**Dinner in room
**In front our hotel
**Seafood lunch

**Nagoya Hill..Tp takde apa menarik pun..best lagi Mid Valley..

**@Singapore..shopping time..
**Actually byk lg gambar yg lain..tp tak larat nk upload..pc slow..later aku upload lagi okeh..