Em..aku pun tak tau bila aku nak mulakan buat list utk my big day..actually aku dh print list yg Mr F bg tu..tp tak tau bila nak disscuss..hehehhe..sbb kan aku dh plan nak rehat 1 bulan dr fikirkan about it..tp seriously tak boleh..huhu..check list engagement aku still simpan buat kenangan..heheheh...(Apa yg ada dlm list tak sama dgn actual, sbb my hantaran jd byk sbb saudara mara & adik beradik aku kasi..anyway, thanks to all)..Alhamdulillah semua nyer dh selamat and berjalan lancar..Now nervous for my big day..huhu..
29 May 2009
**Baca email je aku hari ni..hehehehe..
Em..dah 10 hari aku tak update blog..betul2 takde mood + keje kat office yang overload..Aku pun tak tau nak tulis apa hari ni..sbb hari ni aku betul2 "friday blues"..betul2 takde mood nak buat kerja..mungkin jugak tak sabar nak balik kampung..huhu..ptg ni aku nak balik kampung..esok nak g tailor tempah baju raya (walaupun raya lmbt lg, tp most tailor dh taknak accept tempahan)..and yg buat tak sabar2 nak balik ni sbb......hehehhehe..rahsia..huhu..(&$*@&$@^.. damn miss him, seriously)...heheheh..
19 May 2009
18 May 2009

Have u ever think you bought a sandal but finally u can't wear it? That is what happen to me. This is one of my favorite sandal (sbb telalu favorite, i 'm not even dare to wear..hehehe..sayang sangat)..after a years i did not see it (simpan dlm kotak since beli, after wore it once), this is what happen to the sandle..so sad..it turn to cheese cake..hehehhe..so yummy..hahahhaha.. anyone can explain why???
14 May 2009
6 May 2009
Relation between tension and eat..
It's Cheesy Cheese.. Now, it's empty..
Kenapa aku kuat makan bila aku tension..Ada sape2 boleh bg jawapan..bila aku tension, aku mula lah beli makanan ringan yg tak berfaedah dan aku mula merosakkan diet aku..arghhhh..tolonggg...tolonglah relief tension aku ni dan bg nasihat cara2 nak hilangkan tabiat makan bila tension aku ni..
No definitive taxonomy of emotions exists, though numerous taxonomies have been proposed. Some categorizations include:
'Cognitive' versus 'non-cognitive' emotions
Instinctual emotions (from the amygdala), versus cognitive emotions (from the prefrontal cortex).
Basic versus complex: where base emotions lead to more complex ones.
Categorization based on duration: Some emotions occur over a period of seconds (e.g. surprise) where others can last years (e.g. love).
A related distinction is between the emotion and the results of the emotion, principally behaviours and emotional expressions. People often behave in certain ways as a direct result of their emotional state, such as crying, fighting or fleeing. Yet again, if one can have the emotion without the corresponding behaviour then we may consider the behaviour not to be essential to the emotion. The James-Lange theory posits that emotional experience is largely due to the experience of bodily changes. The functionalist approach to emotions (e.g. Nico Frijda) holds that emotions have evolved for a particular function, such as to keep the subject safe.
5 May 2009
My cute little photographer..Muhammad Aliff Hafeez
My little photographer
Percaya atau tidak..Dlm sibuk2 aku siapkan persiapan majlis aku, aku terlupa satu perkara yang agak penting bg aku..PHOTOGRAPHER..mulanya aku rasa "it's ok"..tp when on the day itself, baru la kelam kabut..all my siblings boleh lupa pulak bwk balik camera (menagis gak la aku..sedih jugak la dlm hati)..Mr F la jd tmpt aku mengadu..heheheh..Thanks Mr F..Luckily ada camera aku, adik and Along (Na)..Then bila dh ada camera, takde sape nak ambikkkan pulak..heheheh..teringat aku kat anak buah kesayangan aku yg mmg suka camera..hehehhe..dan that day, dialah yg jd photographer aku..layan kerenah aku yang "kaki posing" ni..hehehhe...Thanks Aliff...Achik Ya dh kasi upah kan jd photographer..heheheh.. :)
Take a short break (if possible)
Aku cuba berehat dr berfikir ttg my big day (walaupun lmbt lg sebenarnya) at least sebulan..Tp ternyata tak boleh..Oklah, at least aku cuba utk tidak bercakap dgn sesiapa mengenainya walaupun dgn Mr F..Biar our mind rehat sekejap setelah penat menjayakan our engagement.. :)
**Gambar tu pun dh menunjukkan betapa aku tak boleh berhenti dr berfikir ttg the big day..hehhehe..
The Cuppies

For doorgift

For hantaran
Em..lupa nak citer pasal cupcakes aku..utk engagement aku order from Intan (i've ordered before for Nurin's birthday)..And for hantaran, ordered from BHS http://boxhousestudio.blogspot.com/ ..Actually aku terjumpa BHS punyer blog time aku surf2 utk cari2 idea and cuci mata tgk cupcakes yg cute..terus jatuh cinta..teringat pulak kat kazen aku yg nak sponsor the cake..aku pun terus bg dia link that blog..after aku dptkan quotation dr akak BHS, kazen aku tu pun terus order the cuppies..Nak dijadikan cerita, one day before the engagement, kazen aku n makcik aku pun ke rumah BHS tu pick up the cuppies..Rupa2nya husband BHS ni bekerja tmpt yang sama dgn makcik aku..apalagi panjang lah ceritanya..heheheh..Lepas ni senang lah nak order lagi..anyway, thanks to kak Tun BHS sbb semua org puji cupcakes tu cute2 and cantik..Thanks to Na (my kazen) sbb sponsor the cakes..
4 May 2009
Finally...Waiting for the day adalah satu penyiksaan..tp when the day comes, blink!!! sekelip mata je dh selesai..Alhamdulillah..Officially aku dah jd fiance to Mr F.. He came that day..tapi tak sempat nak bergambar..sbb masing2 malu..heheheh..anyway, aku happy sangat that day, besides others..thanks to all yg dah bertungkus lumus menjayakan majlis hari tu..
Take a rest for 1 month sblm nak sambung plan for our BIG DAY.. :)