19 Oct 2010


Some people said, baby start moving as early as 4 month aka 16 weeks. But most 1st time mommy said, they not even feel or realize there is baby's moving..Sbb 1st timer kan..of course tak tau mcm mana rasa baby moving. For me, mungkin sbb dh terlalu byk membaca about it, aku tak pasti lah sama ada aku betul2 rasa or hanya mainan perasaan (cewah!)..kebetulan masa aku 16 weeks tu aku tak bape selera makan, so selalu sgt2 perut masuk angin..mungkin gerak2 angin or maybe betul2 baby yg bergerak..tp aku selalu rasa..dan yg paling best, bila aku dgr radio dr handphone (guna earphone), always aku akan guna sebelah earphone je..dan sebelah lg mesti terjuntai sampai kat perut..and of course kalau dgr sebelah je, aku akan kuatkan volume sbb byk interuption telinga sebelah lagi yg tak ber earphone..dan everytime aku dgr radio, baby akan moving2..mcm suka dgr lagu..huhu..sgt lawak..

Skrg bila dah masuk 25 weeks, of course bukan rasa baby moving lg..tp kicking..sblm ni aku takde lah excited sangat2..sbb dh hari2 rasa dan my baby mcm non stop kicking..aktif sgt2..siang malam pg ptg..time aku kat ofis, time kat rumah, even time aku solat pun dia kicking..smp kadang2 takleh concentrate solat aku..non stop kicking..

Hari ni aku terbaca buletin yg aku dpt everyweek from pregnancy website ni..dia mention about, kalau ayah selalu cakap2 dgn baby, or baby selalu dgr suara ayah, bila dia lahir nnt, dia akan tercari2 empunye suara yg dia selalu dgr masa dia dlm kandungan..aku pun forward the email pd Mr F..what make me get so excited, just now, bila my baby kicking, aku pun show it to Mr F utk tgk gerak2 kat perut aku (that's what i always do actually)..the best thing is, when Mr F ketuk2 my perut dgn his jari, my baby will response by kicking2..not 1 time, tp berkali2..smp aku n Mr F, terkekek2 gelak..so funny..dan so sweet n miracle..now i tau yg my baby can response to persekitaran dia..and maybe dia dh kenal ibu n ayah dia..bukankah itu sgt indah..

Pregnant is not just carrying ur baby in your belly, but it is about LOVE..ur love with ur husband, then come the baby..and the love from you and your husband to ur coming baby..And love and love and love that will grow when the baby born..Bukankah anak itu pengerat kasih sayang..i just love to be pregnant sbb ia adalah satu pengalaman yg sangat2 indah..i am so thankful..Syukur atas kurnian Nya..setiap saat aku berdoa agar baby ni lahir dgn sihat dan sempurna..Amin..


Azwana Shamsudin said...

OMG, so sweetttttttttt.. :) Bila lah dpt rs moment tu kan..???

PUAN THALHA : said...

wow. sangat indah pengalaman itu.
tumpang happy dengan iryani juge.. :)

Azwana Shamsudin said...

so sweettttttttttttt.. :) bila lah dpt merasakan??


kak wana > ur turn will come soon..insyaallah..
thalhazlin > thanks.. :)